21 de July de 2022
ALFAsim Hydrates: Simulation of hydrates formation, transport and agglomeration
ALFAsim Hydrates: Simulation of hydrates formation, transport and agglomeration Client: Galp | Partner: ESSS Hydrate formation in oil and gas wells and production lines can be adressed by...
21 de July de 2022
Digital CO2 Cycle: Development of Integration Platform Client: Petrogal Brasil | Partner: ESSS and AVEVA One of the major issues faced by the oil industry in the Brazilian...
19 de July de 2022
DEEP-FLOW: Rigid risers behavior subjected to intermittent internal flows
DEEP-FLOW: Rigid risers behavior subjected to intermittent internal flows Client: Equinor The industry still lacks a robust methodology capable of coupling the effect of complex multiphase flow fields...
19 de November de 2021
Digitalization and production optimization of the Libra field with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Digitalization and production optimization of the Libra field with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Hybrid modelling strategies (physics-informed data-driven models) Client: Petrobras | Partner: Solution Seeker AS...
19 de November de 2021
Development of gas-oil-water flow models and corrosion/erosion plugins for the multiphase and flow assurance simulator ALFAsim™
Development of gas-oil-water flow models and corrosion/erosion plugins for the multiphase and flow assurance simulator ALFAsim™ Client: Petrogal Brasil | Partner: ESSS Petrogal Brasil invests in Research and...
19 de November de 2021
Evaluation and improvement of multiphase flow models of mixtures with high CO2 content
Evaluation and improvement of multiphase flow models of mixtures with high CO2 content Client: Petrobras The presence of fluids with a high CO2 content (8% to 12%mol in...
25 de April de 2018
Models of multiphase flows with hydrate transport and agglomeration in ALFAsim™
Framework for one-dimensional (1D) models of multiphase flows with hydrate transport and agglomeration in ALFAsim™ Client: Repsol Sinopec Brazil | Partner: ESSS Gas hydrates are ice-like structures that...
25 de April de 2018
Joint-Industry Projects HOnE (Heavy Oils and Emulsions)
Joint-Industry Projects HOnE (Heavy Oils and Emulsions) – formation and properties of heavy oil and water emulsions in ESPs and effectiveness of production chemicals Client: Equinor and Sinochem...